General Information

  • Stinging insects include yellow jackets, hornets, wasps and bees
  • While many people develop large itchy bumps on the skin following a mosquito bite, an allergy to mosquito bites that can cause severe symptoms is extremely uncommon
  • During your allergy assessment your doctor will ask several questions about your reaction to determine if there is an underlying allergy to a stinging insect. The skin prick test (SPT) and intradermal test help confirm the allergy
  • One week before the appointment, you / your child need to avoid antihistamines such as Benadryl, Reactine, Claritin, Aerus and Allegra because these medications will interfere with the test
  • Many cough medications and decongestants also have antihistamines and should also be stopped one week before the appointment
  • If antihistamines are not stopped one week before the appointment the SPT may not be done - The test can be performed on all ages including babies
  • Two control samples are included to make sure that the test has worked. One control will cause an itchy bump in all people, the other control is water and should not cause an itchy bump

Testing Procedure

  • The SPT test is performed on the inside of the forearm but in some cases it may be carried out on another part of the body such as the back
  • The steps for the SPT include the following
    • Cleaning the skin with an alcohol swab
    • A pen or marker will be used to label the skin and identify the allergens to be tested - Tiny liquid drops will be placed on the skin. There are usually 7 drops
    • The skin is then pricked through the drop using a metal device called a lancet
    • The doctor or nurse will return in 15 minutes to interpret the test
  • The test may feel a little sharp but is generally not painful and does not cause any bleeding - Any allergies will cause a localized red bump that is itchy and usually appears within 5 to 15 minutes. These bumps are measured with a ruler by the doctor or nurse
  • If there are no bumps with the SPT, the next step is the intradermal test which is usually several tiny injections under the skin. The doctor or nurse will return in 20 minutes to interpret the test
  • Your doctor will discuss treatment options if you have an allergy to a stinging insect